Polyester Scratching Lamp von Jaim Telias

Der Interieur-Designer Jaim Telias entwarf die Polyester Scratching Lamp mit dem Namen Lior N°2. Die Lior N ° 2 ist eine Hängeleuchte aus Polystyrol. Der Clou dabei ist das die Leuchte einfach bearbeitet werden kann. Durch Kratzen an der Polystrolschicht entstehen einzigartige Muster die sich niemlas gleichen. So kann sich jeder seine eigene Unikat-Lampe gestalten.

Biography Jaim Telias

Jaim Telias, born in Chile in 1980, has spent his life between Israel and Chile and eventually moved to Israel at age 18. After years of different experiences, in the 2002 he began to study Industrial Design in Jerusalem. In 2006, he moved to Italy for a Master degree in Interior Architecture. Immediately after finishing his studies, he was hired at the “MfuksasD Studio”. In 2009 Jaim Telias launched his own studio in Rome and continues to work with Israel as well. His works focus is the research on materials, structures and the dialogue between the object and the person. Characterized by their diversity, his products are simple and minimalist but with dissonance: behind each of his pieces there is a story that involves material, people, traditions and memory.

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